Ascending The Hill of The Lord | Wordless Prayer Devo Day 2
I released the Wordless Prayer Five Day Devotional in September 2024. I'm adding it here to encourage you as we enter 2025.
Watch the video for Day Two and let us ascend the hill of the Lord together.
I also have a transcript of the video below. It isn't perfect, but I hope it blesses you.
0:00:17 - Tammie Southerland
Hello, hello, welcome today to. I hope you had a powerful encounter with the Lord yesterday. I hope that that really was a blessing to you. Today we're going to jump into Psalm 24, ascending the hill of the Lord, one of my favorite portions of scripture. I mean all this is my favorite, obviously because I read a book on it. But ascending the hill of the Lord, so powerful, understanding how to go beyond just permission to burn, permission to love the Lord, permission to do the things that he's so caused our hearts to do, but to ascend, to go higher, to cause ourselves to be purified, cleansed and walk in the fullness of what he's called us to. Psalm 24 is a psalm of David, of what he's called us to.
Psalm 24 is a Psalm of David. David wrote this Psalm specifically after he had tried to take the Ark of the Covenant and place it back in the center of the nation of Israel, but he didn't do it the right way, and so he'd experienced the death of his friend, uzzah. Because Uzzah touched the Ark and the Ark shook and Uzzah, the power of God, hit Uzzah. Because Uzzah touched the ark and the ark shook and Uzzah, the power of God, hit Uzzah, and Uzzah passed away. The Ark of the Covenant had been sitting in Obed-Edom's house for a certain amount of time while David inquired the Lord in his frustration of what is the right way to take your presence and to assimilate it into the people. How do I do this? David gets a revelation from the Lord of a blueprint in heaven that included night and day worship and prayer that took place around the throne on the mountain of the Lord. So he's writing Psalm 24 out of this place, so we're going to read it together. You're going to have there in your devotional. You're going to see Psalm 24, verses 3 to 6.
I want you to understand the context of this scripture. And so verse 3 says hands and a pure heart. Who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood, who has not sworn deceitfully, he shall receive a blessing from the Lord and righteousness from God of his salvation. This is the generation who seeks him, who seek the face of God, even Jacob. And then we go on into verses seven, eight and nine and 10. And it talks about the heads being lifted up and the king of glory coming in.
When you read the book, I talk about an entire encounter that the Lord took me into as I began to see a people ascending the hill of the Lord and entering in through the gates, the portals, the open doorways in heaven as we begin to look up at him in this pure hearted place where we just want to be with him. You'll have to get wordless prayer to read that encounter, but I literally saw the heads of the people lifted up and the gates open wide for the king of glory, Jesus, to enter in to our land, into our life, into our churches, into our realities, as we begin to lift him up. And so you are invited to ascend the hill of the Lord. So what does that mean? To ascend the hill of the Lord means that A you need to understand that, by the blood of the Lamb, the power of the gospel is that you have been renewed, you have been cleansed, you have been sanctified by his blood and now you have permission to walk holy, not listen. The grace of God is to empower you to walk in the consecration, the sanctification, the justification that God has given you through his son shedding his blood on a cross, defeating death, hell and the grave for three days, and ascending into heaven and pouring out his spirit. And so you enter his presence with clean hands and a pure heart. Your hands are clean, your heart is clean as you go in into repentance. You repent, you receive his cleansing, you ren renounce. That means you break agreement with anything that is ungodly that he brings into your heart.
As you begin to enter in this place of prayer, it's the you go from adoration to confession, into the place of getting your heart clean before him, but also knowing this is not a physical journey. It's not about you figuring out all the things you've done right and all the things you've done wrong. It's receiving the power of the blood of the lamb coming boldly to his throne of grace, where you shall receive mercy and know that this is a spiritual journey. You're going deeper into communion with god. As you ascend the hill of the lord, you get out of the place of praying, from the dirt of worry, fear and anxiousness, into believing fully that what he has said, what he has done through the power of his blood, who he has given you in his spirit, that causes you to know your identity as sons and daughters, is enough. And so you get to go deeper into communion, and so I want to encourage you to open your Bible, to meditate on this passage to chew on it.
When I say meditate on a passage, I'm telling you to read it and pray it, and reread it. Begin to take this passage and say I want to stand in your holy place. I want to come into you, into the mountain of the Lord. Listen, he is the mountain. I want to come into the place of your dwelling. I want you to reveal to me how my heart and my hands look right now. Cleanse my heart by the power of your blood. Meditate on the scriptures, pray the scriptures, and then I want you to enter. Prepare yourself to enter into his presence fully, come fully into his presence. You don't take too much time to dwell on what you've done right, what you've done wrong. You come boldly. It's not by might nor by power, but by spirit.
David took a time to come before the Lord, to figure out what he'd done wrong. He began to realize that it required blood, it required sacrifice, to take the presence of God up a mountain and to establish God as the ruler, as the Lord, as the king of the nation of Israel, and that he required clean hands, pure hearts, worship and prayer to be the center of everything that they did as a nation. It's the same thing for you and I, so I want you to meditate on that, think about that, ask God how you can come into his presence more fully and then enter in. Ask God to reveal any areas of your life that need cleansing. Listen, this is how we live. We live this lifestyle of repentance and we'll live a lifestyle of glory and fullness into him as we begin to love, to come to him. Burning for the fire, burning for the ascent. Sorry, we got cut off.
It's the second part of that prayer, lord, that we would come to you in wholeness. We would come to you not holding back anything In our minds, in our emotions. That we wouldn't hold back anything from you. That you would search us and know us and that you would take us closer and more intimate with you. That we would come higher and we would come through that open door of heaven that you have invited us into. That we would lift up our heads, we would gaze on you. That you would use us as a gateway, as a doorway for you to enter in to the world that we live in as we learn how to come into your intercession. In Jesus' name, amen.
Looking for more? Discover a vibrant, spirit-filled community dedicated to igniting your passion for Christ and empowering your journey when you join the Burning Ones Membership. Whether you’re taking your first step or deepening your walk, there’s a place for you here. Click here to learn more
Click here to get your copy of Wordless Prayer.
About the author:
Tammie Southerland is the founder and leader of Frontline Ministries International, a mobile prayer and equipping ministry dedicated to igniting passion for Jesus and equipping believers to fulfill their God-given destinies. As the apostolic leader of The Firehouse Prayer Furnaces and host of the Burning Messengers podcast, Tammie inspires a generation to burn with zeal for Christ. She is the author of Wordless Prayer and Permission to Burn and has been featured on programs like Sid Roth's It's Supernatural and CTN's Come Home with Jen Mallan. Based in Atlanta, GA, Tammie, her husband, Daymon, and their three daughters travel the globe, leading revival movements and calling people to live boldly for God. Visit her at
The Unspoken Realm of Glory | Wordless Prayer Devo Day 1
I released the Wordless Prayer Five Day Devotional in September 2024. I'm adding it here to encourage you as we enter 2025.
Watch the video and let us enter the unspoken realm of glory together.
I also have a transcript of the video below. It isn't perfect, but I hope it blesses you.
Thank you so much for joining me on this journey through Wordless Prayer, the five-day devotional.
I believe that this devotional is really going to radically take you into a place of encounter with the Lord and also encourage you quickly that the book Wordless Prayer is going to transform your life. I really believe that it is, and so if you've not gotten the book itself, I encourage you to do that. But go ahead with me today and jump into this first part of this five-day devotional of wordless prayer.
Day one is the unspoken realm of glory, and you're going to see in the description an encouragement to enter into this wordless prayer, this place of glory.
But in this video, I'm going to read the scriptures with you and I'm going to actually help you learn what it is to go into this place and experience the groan of the spirit and the realm of glory that God would want to take you into, and so let's open up even that right now with prayer. Father, I thank you for those that are watching. I thank you for those that are reading. God, I ask you that you would take them in to the power of your presence and grip them by your spirit, that they would no longer wander or wonder if you are there with them in the place of prayer and intercession. Be with us as we come together in this quick time of devotion to learn how to pray and to learn who we are in you, in your place of glory, in Jesus name. Okay, open up your Bible with me right now, if you will, or your phone, whatever you have to Romans 8, 26. Let's look at Romans 8. Actually, I'm going to read I put Romans 8, 26 on the devotional.
I'm going to read Romans 8, 20, because I want you to understand that the whole earth is groaning for one thing and one thing alone, and that is what it says in verse 20. For creation was subjected willing, not subjected to futility, not willingly because of him who subjected it in hope that creation itself would be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. We know in Genesis that when the fall of man happened, when Adam and Eve fell, that the curse did not just come upon Adam and Eve, but it came upon creation itself. And so the answer to creation is that mankind would take the rightful place again in redemption, so that creation itself would be redeemed. We see that in verse 20, so that creation itself would be redeemed. We see that in verse 20. Yeah, verse 19. Just above 20. Go back and read that later.
And so, in hope that creation itself would be set free from its slavery to corruption Into the glory of the children of God, verse 22. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth. Until now. Why does it say until now? Because not only this, but we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves, grown within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the fullness, the redemption of our bodies. For in hope we've been saved. Saved, but in hope, that is not. Hope. That is seen is not hope, for who hopes for what he already sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance, we will wait eagerly for it.
There's verse 26, my favorite. In the same way, the spirit also helps our weakness, for we do not know how to pray as we should. But the spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words, and he searches the hearts and knows what the mind of the spirit is, because he intercedes for the saints according to the will of god. For we know that god causes all things to work together for the good of those who love God, are called according to his purpose, for those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed into the image of his son. What are they predestined for? To be conformed into the image of his son by the power of his spirit, because they were redeemed by the power of the blood of the lamb, and the power of his spirit, because they were redeemed by the power of the blood of the lamb and the sacrifice of christ on the cross. We're predestined, because of his blood, to be conformed into his image. Why? Because we are gripped by the spirit and transformed by him into ones who would agree with him in intercession.
What his intercession is?
To bring redemption to the earth. What? Because the earth itself, creation subjected to decay, is groaning that we would know our identity as his sons and as his daughters verse 30 and these whom he predestined, he also called. And those whom he called he also justified, and those who be justified he also glorified. So what shall we say to these things? If god is for us, who could be against us? All right. So I read a little bit more than we put in the uh devotion. But in our weakness.
We need to understand that when our words fail us, the holy spirit himself is interceding with us and through us, with prayers that we do not have english language to utter.
But first of all, we have to understand who the intercessor is. Jesus is the intercessor. The scriptures say that Jesus is at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us. The cross of Christ itself was the greatest place of intercession that we would ever see the blood of the Lamb, jesus, christ himself, shed for us on a cross as the intersection between heaven and earth that we enter into by the power of the spirit and by the power of his blood to come boldly before the throne of grace where we are able to receive mercy, where we're able to be redeemed from our own decay, our own corruption, justified, strengthened, sanctified, in order to enter into the intercessions of Christ, which would be the redemption of the earth.
And so this wordless language is not wordless at all.
There's language in heaven, there's language of the spirit, where we are gripped by him, by his desires, by his prayers, by his intercessions. In the gap in between what is promised in the scriptures, the the decay of the earth, and what we are experiencing. We step into that cross, we step into that place of intercession and the spirit himself will pray through us and in us, wordless prayers, actually full language in heaven, full language that we don't understand, but wordless prayers in the place of intercession, as we enter in and agree with him.
And so remember, in these moments the spirit is at work. He is bridging the gap between the heart of God and your heart.
He's bridging the gap between the broken and the promised of wholeness and completion. You are even longing for your fullness of redemption and your adoption as sons, but he, the first fruits of the spirit, promises us even earlier in Romans, that it's by his spirit that we cry out Abba, father. So we have been adopted, we've been redeemed, but we're awaiting the fullness when the tears and the crying and the decay that we experience on this side of eternity is no more.
But, as those who are his, the earth itself, the creation itself is groaning for us to take our rightful place and be unveiled as his sons and as his daughters in the place of prayer, in the place of redemption, because of the gospel, because of what Jesus did for us, and also to understand who we are, even in the place of frustration, that we have authority and we have power.
And so, Lord, I'm asking you right now that you would cause those that are watching, those that are reading, those that are watching, those that are reading, to be taken up into this unspoken realm of glory, as it says in Romans 8 also that it is Romans 8, 18, for I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that is revealed to us.
So, Lord, we ask you right now that you would take them from the sufferings of this earth into the glory that will be revealed to them in the unspoken place, where you have language that is greater than any language of the earth, that is greater than any language of a demon, that is greater than any language of an evil one, and, lord, that you would take them up, that you would grip them and that you would cause them to be baptized in your spirit with fire, awakened to the revelation of intercession and your spirit itself, your spirit.
Begin to pray through. My friends, right now, in the name of Jesus, I want to encourage you, as you go deeper into this devotional, to sit quietly with the Lord, find a place and allow yourself to silence the noise, and you're going to have noise, you're going to have distraction, your mind's going to go 100 miles an hour. But to silence the noise and allow him to come in and encounter you. I pray for the grace and the power of God to be with you as you enter into this place of the unspoken realm of glory. In Jesus name, amen and amen. I will see you tomorrow.
Looking for more? Discover a vibrant, spirit-filled community dedicated to igniting your passion for Christ and empowering your journey when you join the Burning Ones Membership. Whether you’re taking your first step or deepening your walk, there’s a place for you here. Click here to learn more
Click here to get your copy of Wordless Prayer.
About the author:
Tammie Southerland is the founder and leader of Frontline Ministries International, a mobile prayer and equipping ministry dedicated to igniting passion for Jesus and equipping believers to fulfill their God-given destinies. As the apostolic leader of The Firehouse Prayer Furnaces and host of the Burning Messengers podcast, Tammie inspires a generation to burn with zeal for Christ. She is the author of Wordless Prayer and Permission to Burn and has been featured on programs like Sid Roth's It's Supernatural and CTN's Come Home with Jen Mallan. Based in Atlanta, GA, Tammie, her husband, Daymon, and their three daughters travel the globe, leading revival movements and calling people to live boldly for God. Visit her at
The Spiritual Union of Prayer Warriors and Divine Strategy
Intercession, so much more than we think it is. It's not just people that get together and pray, it's not the five people that really like to pray, it's so much more than that.
And we talk about Jesus in this season and we remember his birth, but what we don't realize is that he actually came as an intercessor.
He came and dwelt among us so he could stand in the gap, because the Spirit of the Lord searched to and fro across the whole earth and found no one that was worthy to stand in the gap as an intercessor for us.
And so Jesus, coming through the womb, stepped into the earth as the greatest intercessor that would ever touch this dirt, and it's who he still is. Everything that we do as believers is actually, when we come in an agreement with him. It is an act of intercession, it's an act of standing in the gap and it's an act of agreeing with his, his will.
That's why the Lord's prayer is what it is his will on earth as it is in heaven. And so when we think about the advent that we're in right now, the first coming of Jesus, it was actually the first, the first fleshing out of his intercession to bridge a gap that could not be bridged otherwise.
And then the second advent of Jesus is his return.... Watch the video for the full sermon. This sermon is from December 2023, but it is as relevant today as it was then.
Looking for more? Discover a vibrant, spirit-filled community dedicated to igniting your passion for Christ and empowering your journey when you join the Burning Ones Membership. Whether you’re taking your first step or deepening your walk, there’s a place for you here. Click here to learn more.
About the author:
Tammie Southerland is the founder and leader of Frontline Ministries International, a mobile prayer and equipping ministry dedicated to igniting passion for Jesus and equipping believers to fulfill their God-given destinies. As the apostolic leader of The Firehouse Prayer Furnaces and host of the Burning Messengers podcast, Tammie inspires a generation to burn with zeal for Christ. She is the author of Wordless Prayer and Permission to Burn and has been featured on programs like Sid Roth's It's Supernatural and CTN's Come Home with Jen Mallan. Based in Atlanta, GA, Tammie, her husband, Daymon, and their three daughters travel the globe, leading revival movements and calling people to live boldly for God. Visit her at
Pruning & Promise
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” – John 15:1-2
Four years ago, the Lord spoke a promise to me that still burns in my spirit: “You are entering the best years of your life. Whatever you ask will be given to you, for I have found you faithful.” It sounded glorious, yet the reality looked like devastation. I was closing the doors to a thriving ministry, leaving behind everything familiar, and moving into a wilderness of uncertainty. It felt like death, but heaven was preparing me for resurrection.
John 15:1-2 reveals the mystery of the Kingdom: The Father is a gardener. He doesn’t just cut away the dead branches—He even prunes the fruitful ones. Why? So they can multiply. I didn’t know it then, but every cut, every loss, and every unanswered question was the skillful hand of the Gardener preparing me for greater glory.
In that season, the Lord didn’t just prune my ministry—He went after the roots of my life. He cut back distractions, burned away self-reliance, and called me to abide in Him like never before. He strengthened my marriage and my family after years of relentless busyness. In the quiet, I rediscovered the sweetness of His voice, the power of His Word, and the beauty of walking with Him in stillness. Jesus’s words in John 15:4 came alive to me: “Abide in me, and I will abide in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.”
This wasn’t just pruning—it was holy fire refining me for something eternal. The Gardener’s cuts may feel sharp, but they are never wasted. Even when the blade feels cruel, His hands are tender, His eyes are fixed on the harvest, and His heart is set on your destiny.
Now, I see the fruit. New vision. New life. New joy. This journey has become a lifelong legacy, and I am stepping into the fullness of His promise.
If you find yourself in the cutting season, don’t despise it. The Gardener is preparing you for an abundant harvest. Let the fire of pruning refine you, the promise of His Word anchor you, and the beauty of abiding restore you. This isn’t the end—it’s the preparation for glory. Trust His hands, for they only prune what He intends to multiply.
About the author:
Tammie Southerland is the founder and leader of Frontline Ministries International, a mobile prayer and equipping ministry dedicated to igniting passion for Jesus and equipping believers to fulfill their God-given destinies. As the apostolic leader of The Firehouse Prayer Furnaces and host of the Burning Messengers podcast, Tammie inspires a generation to burn with zeal for Christ. She is the author of Wordless Prayer and Permission to Burn and has been featured on programs like Sid Roth's It's Supernatural and CTN's Come Home with Jen Mallan. Based in Atlanta, GA, Tammie, her husband, Daymon, and their three daughters travel the globe, leading revival movements and calling people to live boldly for God. Visit her at
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Looking for more? Discover a vibrant, spirit-filled community dedicated to igniting your passion for Christ and empowering your journey when you join the Burning Ones Membership. Whether you’re taking your first step or deepening your walk, there’s a place for you here. Click here to learn more.
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The Cry of the Burning Ones: A Call to the Remnant
There is a fire stirring in the hearts of hidden burning ones all over the Earth—a holy desperation is rising that cannot be quenched by anything less than the fullness of God. This isn't a new hunger; it has been simmering, intensifying over years of intercession, worship, and waiting. These burning ones—young adults, mothers and fathers, Millennials, Gen Xers, and Gen Zers—are not content with shallow answers or surface-level Christianity. They have tasted the goodness of the Lord and now long for more. Their hearts cry out, "When, oh Lord? When will You move in greater ways? When will Your glory cover the Earth?"
These are the ones who have knelt in secret, with tear-stained faces and trembling voices, asking, “What is my purpose, Lord? When will You come and do what You’ve promised?” They are not chasing platforms or popularity. They are chasing Him. The cry of their hearts is not self-serving—it’s Kingdom-focused. They long for Heaven to invade earth, for a billion-soul harvest, for the name of Jesus to be exalted in every nation.
This remnant isn't satisfied with manufactured church culture. They've seen enough lights, hype, and entertainment to know it cannot sustain them. Instead, they long for purity, raw authenticity, and the unfiltered presence of God. Their bold and unrelenting cry: "Give us grace to run. Send us, Lord, for Your glory."
An Ache for Heaven on Earth
This ache, this holy longing, is not an emotion that comes and goes. It's uncomfortable, brings us to tears, and induces intense joy. It results from years spent in the pressing and crushing of life's trials and times of indescribable encounters in the presence of the Living God. These burning ones have been refined in the fire of affliction, stripped of pride, self-reliance, and earthly ambition. What remains is a people who carry deep humility and a single-minded focus on seeing God's will done and His name glorified. Their hearts burn with the revelation that they can do nothing apart from the Spirit of God. As Zechariah 4:6 declares: "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit," says the Lord Almighty.
Through the pain, they have learned to abide in the vine, just as Jesus instructed in John 15:5: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." Their longing is not just for God to move—it's for God Himself. They have realized that only through abiding in Him can they bear the fruit of revival and carry the weight of a Kingdom harvest.
Desperate for the Fire of God
This remnant understands that without the fire of God, they will fail. Without the fullness of His Spirit—the sevenfold Spirit of God mentioned in Isaiah 11—they cannot fulfill the call on their lives. They are desperate for holy anointing, the fire that purifies, empowers, and emboldens. They know this awakening must be birthed in fire, for only the fire of God can sustain a move of this magnitude.
They are crying out for the greater works Jesus promised in John 14:12. But they know these works will not come through striving or human effort. They will come through surrender. This generation despises the shallow and the superficial. They refuse to settle for anything less than God's real, raw, transformative power.
The Time Is Now
For years, the burning ones have cried, "When, Lord? When will You move?" Today, the Spirit of God is answering with holy clarity: "The time is now." Your groans of intercession, the cries of longing, and your steadfast faithfulness in hidden places have prepared the way for what is about to unfold. The Lord has heard every whispered prayer, seen every tear, and felt the desperation of your heart. He is moving even now, and His glory will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14).
If these words are gripping your spirit, know this: You are the burning remnant. You are not being sent in the way anyone expected. The waiting, though intense, was necessary. Your vision had to align with His; your character had to be forged in the fire of His holiness. The humility to carry His glory is birthed only from brokenness. This is not a "launch" into the fame and earthly recognition of years past—it is a commissioning into the fullness of His Spirit, where the oil of anointing flows from lives crushed and surrendered in secret.
The time of preparation has brought you to a kairos moment, woven into a move that will shake nations. Your purity of heart, your longing for His presence, and your unyielding surrender have positioned you for the outpouring you have travailed for. This is the hour. The fire is here. You are ready.
A Call to Rise and Run
To the burning ones, the Lord is saying: "Rise and run. Run with endurance the race marked out for you" (Hebrews 12:1). This is not a time to shrink back or question your purpose. The fire inside of you is not by accident; it is the very thing God has placed in you to carry His glory to the nations. The harvest is ready, and you are His laborers.
Do not despise the purity of your longing. There is massive significance in your intercession. You are a part of something far greater than you can imagine. Heaven is preparing to invade Earth, and you are His chosen vessel.
The nations are waiting for the sons and daughters of God to be revealed (Romans 8:19). This is your moment to respond with, "Here I am. Send me" (Isaiah 6:8). The Lord is moving in a way that will surpass anything we've seen before. The fire you carry, the desperation you feel, and the groans deep within are all part of His plan to birth forth the glory of His Kingdom.
The Glory of the Unshakable Kingdom
The unshakable Kingdom of God will become more evident through His people in the coming days and years. The coming awakening will not be built on human systems or fleeting emotions. It will not look like anything we've seen in history; it will be rooted in the unshakable foundation of His Word, marked by unprecedented levels of manifestations of His Spirit, and His glory will go to Him alone. You are a part of this unshakable Kingdom, and now is not the time to tone down your hunger or convictions. He's coming, and He will move through those who have refused to be satisfied by any other pleasure.
Burning ones, live this burning out in every facet of your life; don't throttle your fire; rise and run. The nations are waiting. The harvest is ready. Heaven is poised to move through you. Cry out with the Spirit: "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven."
About the author:
Tammie Southerland is the founder and leader of Frontline Ministries International, a mobile prayer and equipping ministry dedicated to igniting passion for Jesus and equipping believers to fulfill their God-given destinies. As the apostolic leader of The Firehouse Prayer Furnaces and host of the Burning Messengers podcast, Tammie inspires a generation to burn with zeal for Christ. She is the author of Wordless Prayer and Permission to Burn and has been featured on programs like Sid Roth's It's Supernatural and CTN's Come Home with Jen Mallan. Based in Atlanta, GA, Tammie, her husband, Daymon, and their three daughters travel the globe, leading revival movements and calling people to live boldly for God. Visit her at
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Want more? Get the Tammie's book, Permission to Burn:
Read Permission to Burn, get back on the mountain God gave you, and take your place in setting this world on fire with love for Jesus in your generation. Click here to get your copy.
Revival Begins at Home: Hosting His Glory, Empowering His Messengers
In this hour of groaning and glory, as the earth itself cries out for the revealing of God’s sons and daughters (Romans 8:19), the Spirit is sounding an urgent call: return to the sacred altar of the home. This is not a retreat from the world but a launching pad for His kingdom—a sanctuary where heaven invades earth, generational curses are shattered (Exodus 20:5–6), and the consuming fire of God ignites families for the work of revival.
This is a clarion call, not a casual suggestion. As I ran today, interceding for the remnant, I felt a fiery prophetic cry rise within me: homes must become places where His presence dwells. Revival is not birthed through polished programs or celebrated platforms—it begins in the secret place, with people desperate for the wholeness of mind, body, and spirit. As Paul admonishes, we must discipline ourselves, stewarding our temples as vessels of glory and running the race with endurance (1 Corinthians 9:27). Revival starts here, within us, and overflows into the atmosphere of our homes.
But let’s not ignore the weight of divine correction falling upon this generation. We’ve allowed culture to distort God’s design for families, swinging wildly between extremes. Men are either discouraged from being bold defenders and providers or pressured into stoicism that stifles their capacity to nurture. Women are often caught in a tug-of-war, shamed for embracing the sacredness of homemaking and ministry alike. Yet the Spirit is raising a standard against these lies, calling for the restoration of balance and freedom—not through rigid roles but through worship, intercession, and righteousness (2 Corinthians 3:17).
Hear this, and let it ignite your spirit: women are called to preach, teach, and prophesy with fire (Acts 2:17–18). Deborah led armies; Priscilla taught theology; Mary carried the Word Himself. Women are not confined but commissioned to advance His kingdom in every sphere. Yet alongside this holy calling is a vital charge: to steward the home as a sacred Eden. Men and women together, unified under Christ, are called to cultivate the home as a house of worship, a training ground for discipleship, and a place where the presence of God dwells richly. Imagine families discipling their children as their first congregation, imparting the love of the Father through daily life (Deuteronomy 6:6–7).
This is not an ordinary call. It’s a prophetic awakening. The Lord is empowering men and women to walk boldly in their God-given identity, bringing heaven to earth through their homes and beyond. Picture houses filled with glory, where sons and daughters rise up in prophetic power (Joel 2:28), where marriages are healed, and where the culture of the kingdom flows outward into society. Revival begins here—within the walls of the home—but it cannot be contained. It will ripple outward to fill stadiums, nations, and ultimately, the whole earth with His glory (Habakkuk 2:14).
The billion-soul harvest we’ve prayed for will not be birthed through striving but through abiding. My heart burns to see families embrace this call—to build altars in their homes, host the tangible presence of the Lord, and raise up messengers who will carry His kingdom to the ends of the earth.
Revival is not coming; it’s here. It starts now—right where you are. Are you ready?
About Tammie Southerland:
Tammie Southerland is the founder and leader of Frontline Ministries International, a mobile prayer and equipping ministry dedicated to igniting passion for Jesus and equipping believers to fulfill their God-given destinies. As the apostolic leader of The Firehouse Prayer Furnaces and host of the Burning Messengers podcast, Tammie inspires a generation to burn with zeal for Christ. She is the author of Wordless Prayer and Permission to Burn and has been featured on programs like Sid Roth's It's Supernatural and CTN's Come Home with Jen Mallan. Based in Atlanta, GA, Tammie, her husband, Daymon, and their three daughters travel the globe, leading revival movements and calling people to live boldly for God.
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